Outdoor Boards 1

Serving up a Dish No One Wants

Roto-Rooter loves visceral concepts that bring home the ickiness of stopped-up plumbing. Stuck pipes are a burden that weighs on you. These boards and cards capture that feeling in one image.

This enduring campaign remains a favorite with Roto-Rooter. The corporate office is here in Cincinnati, and one of the images is still on a board owned by Roto-Rooter. I see it every time I drive up I-71.

Cook’s Notes
Dennis Rutherford was the other half of the creative team, and he directed the beautifully oppressive visuals.

Roto-Rooter Woman with Toilet Outdoor Board
Roto-Rooter Man with Toilet Outdoor Board
Roto-Rooter Man with Toiler Outdoor Board